Sunday, July 27, 2008


this is just a reminder to myself.. that may be i should still write..
2 n half years after i wrote my first blog.. i haven't written anything..
tony mathew !!! u better write something !!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tony Unplugged…

To start off, and being extremely honest, writing is not something that I am passionate about, or even a means to pass time or express views like many of the bloggers. In fact this is my first stint at writing, not to mention writing on the public domain.

So, how am I eligible to write?

Well, eligibility criteria no. 1 is that it’s a free world (or so is what I am made to understand!! – I plan to express my views on this some time too). If smart and intelligent people can spend valuable resources for dumb people like me to put up our dumb stuff on the net, I must be dumber not to make use of it! I am in no way suggesting that only dumb people blog, but just that dumb people have an equal opportunity!

Eligibility criteria no. 2 is that I always had so many thoughts and views in my mind which I thought I should key down to see if they made any sense. I promise that only if I find them to make sense will I post them. But this would require you to trust the senses of a dumb ass like me.

If by any remote stroke of chance, you find what I have written interesting; all the credit should go to my dear friend Namrata Kale who has virtually coaxed me to blog. And if you find it disgusting, you still know who is to be blamed!

The first blog I read was Namy’s “Me under the Microscope” which I thought was superb. I cannot avoid being influenced by it to such an extent that I too am beginning by writing something about myself, in a similar format. I know you are saying… “Here goes one more uncreative dumbo trying a backdoor entry to the creative world”!! My reply… I’m incredibly sorry but please refer to eligibility criteria no. 1!!

I remember saying in a personality competition in college that we talk loads about ourselves, “I did this”, “I did that”, “I am this” and so on… but when you have to speak about yourself where people are judging you, you choke!! Here’s me trying to un-choke….

The name is “Tony”… small, sweet and simple. I love my name, though there was a time when I used to curse my parents for choosing a name which was generally the name of most dogs in my colony or the bad guy in Hindi movies. I’ve had other names, mostly christened to me during my glorious engineering days… “Tansen” - for being an unstoppable jukebox in hostel, “Kalman” – that’s kala + salman – kala for being as dark as I am and salman for always roaming around topless in the hostel. There are some other names which my engineering friends would recollect and are better left classified!!

I am a firm believer of the “beauty is only skin-deep” principle. That’s another way I console myself day in and day out when I look into the mirror. I hope there are enough women who share my belief… not for consoling themselves, but when they look at guys!!

I love music… don’t ask me what types… just any kind right from Indian classical to filmi remixes to hard rock. I savour music like one drinks wine, enjoying it more and more in every sip, loving it more and more as I listen. I love to sing too… As a singer I fall in the category of too good to be a bathroom singer and too bad to sing outside the bathroom!

I take a lot of time to make friends. 2 reasons, firstly the Almighty has not blessed me with the skills to start conversations and make friends and secondly, people who see me this way, think I’m am from Mars till some cosmonaut friend introduces me to his earthling friend!! As cosmonauts are rare, I have a small but very strong circle of friends.

I draw a lot of joy and strength from being with people (read friends). Though I am generally a mute spectator in all the conversations, just being for moments without people around gives me the other wise absent “tension”.

That takes me to another favorite strength called “composure”. No matter how bad the situation, tensions rarely get on me. Let me let out a secret… I do get as tense as everyone else, but “composure” sounds a better strength than “expressionless” right?? Now who was saying that I should try my hand into acting the other day??

I am disgustingly organized. Everything in my room has a place. I notice even if a pen has moved an inch from the place I had kept it. I am also awfully stringent on cleanliness. My room mates had a torrid time with me cleaning rooms and changing bed-sheets…

My “organizational” skills are not limited to bookshelves and wardrobes but also to the work I do. When I’m serious about something, I’m “very x n times (n→∞)” particular about how things are to be done and will never compromise on the quality of work, no matter what it takes. This applies to everything that can be classified under work except mundane tasks and “studies”!!

I hate studying. Yet I just can’t get rid of the “study syndrome”. It just keeps following me! The only thing I love about studies is the study leave… People generally hate them, but I kind of love them… gives me a lot of time to while away and when I am bored of it, I give some time to the books.

I’m a critic to and from the core. Even before a person says or does anything, my critic mind has already started analyzing every aspect. If one manages to convince me about something, then you bet I am the greatest advocate for it.

I love listening to people’s conversation, be it friends or even strangers. They say eavesdropping is a bad habit, but isn’t a “good writer” supposed to observe people?? When I’m not listening to people, I’m probably listening to myself… talking to myself in my mind on any damn issue in the world is another favorite pastime of mine.

Out of the few friends I have, I have even fewer friends from the other sex. I feel most women have double standards. They always talk about wanting equal rights and equal what not, but expect guys to treat them specially. I just can’t do it. If you are my friend, you are my friend, male or female you have the same privileges.

What does a girl need to have to make me fall in love with her? No “air” around her, someone who is just who she is and one who is very bubbly and talkative… else life would get too boring with a boring guy like me, wouldn’t it?? And of course… to belong to the small class of women described above!!

And by now you must have noticed that I love to use the 3 dots “…”!! What do they mean?? Could be a pause, could be to change the tone or could be something that words cannot express…